IIT Madras recruitment for 08 various vacancies 2012
Center for Industrial Consultancy and Sponsored Research under Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras invites applications for recruitment of Research Assoc. or Project Officer/ Scientist, Senior Research Fellow or Project Officer / Scientist and Junior Research Fellow or Project Associate. IIT is going to fill up 08 vacancies through this job notific
SHS Bihar recruitment for 135 Data Entry Operator cum Trainer and Multi Purpose Helper 2012
State Health Society (SHS), Bihar under National Rural Health Mission invites applications for recruitment of Data Entry Operator cum Trainer and Multi Purpose Helper. SHS is going to fill up 135 vacancies through this job notification.
HLL Life Care recruitment for 13 various vacancies 2012
Hindustan Latex Limited (HLL) Life Care under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare invites applications for recruitment of Deputy General Manager/ Senior Manager, Global Sales Manager, Head, Regional Manager and Vice President. HLL Life Care is going to fill up 13 vacancies through this job notification
Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL) recruitment for 05 Trainee 2012
Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL) invites applications for recruitment for the post of Trainee (ST/MT Operator). UNIL is going to fill up 05 vacancies through this job notification.
THSTI recruitment for 17 Administrative and Technical posts 2012
Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI) invites applications for recruitment for the posts of Executive Engineer, Administrative Officer (IT), Clerical Asst./Accounts Asst./Executive Secretary, Technical Assistant and Lab Technician. THSTI is going to fill up 17 vacancies through this job notification
Space Applications Center (SAC) Ahmedabad recruitment for 26 various vacancies 2012
Space Applications Center (SAC), Ahmedabad (ISRO) invites applications for recruitment of Hindi Typist, Technician , Light Vehicle Driver , Cook and Catering Attendant. SAC is going to fill up 26 vacancies through this job notification.
Directorate of Medical Education and Research (DMER) recruitment for 198 vacancies 2012
Directorate of Medical Education and Research (DMER), Haryana invites applications for recruitment of various vacancies. DMER is going to fill up 198 vacancies through this job notification.
West Bengal Health & Family Welfare Department recruitment for 10 posts 2012
West Bengal Health & Family Welfare Department invites applications for recruitment for the posts of Deputy Manager, Scientific Officer, Machine Operator, Scientific Assistant, Store Keeper and Administrative Officer. WB Health & Family Welfare Dept. is going to fill up 10 vacancies through this job notification.
MP Department of Farmer Welfare & Agriculture Development recruitment for 1041 posts 2012
Department of Farmer Welfare & Agriculture Development MP invites applications for recruitment of Computer Programmer, Accountant cum Clerk, Block Technology Manager and Subject Matter Specialist. Dept. of Farmer Welfare MP is going to fill up 1041 vacancies through this job notification