Intelligence Bureau Recruitment for 532 Security Assistant 2014
Intelligence Bureau, under Ministry of Home Affairs invites applications for recruitment of Security Assistant. Intelligence Bureau is going to fill up 532 posts through this job notification.
ITI Bangalore Recruitment for 08 General Duty Doctors and Pediatrician 2014
Indian Telephone Industries Limited (ITI) Bangalore invites applications for recruitment of General Duty Doctors,Pediatrician and other jobs. ITI, Bangalore is going to fill up 08 posts through this job notification.
HAL Recruitment for 10 Chief Test Pilot and Secretarial Officer 2014
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) invites applications for recruitment of Chief Test Pilot, Secretarial Officer and Other Jobs. HAL is going to fill up 10 posts through this job notification.
VPKAS Recruitment for 06 Research Associate and Senior Research Fellow 2014
Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan (VPKAS) under ICAR invites applications for recruitment of Staff Nurse.Research Associate and Senior Research Fellow. VKPAS is going to fill up 06 posts through this job notification.
Calcutta High Court Recruitment for 70 Group D posts 2014
Calcutta High Court invites applications for recruitment of Group D posts. Calcutta High Court is going to fill up 70 posts through this job notification.
NBRC Recruitment for Management Assistant 2014
National Brain Research Centre (NBRC) invites applications for recruitment of Management Assistant (Admin). NBRC is going to fill up vacancies through this job notification.
RITES Limited Recruitment for 02 Assistant Manager (S&T) 2014
RITES Limited invites applications for recruitment of Assistant Manager (S&T). RITES Limited is going to fill up 02 posts through this job notification.
IOCL Recruitment for 156 Medical Officer and Assistant Officer 2014
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) invites applications for recruitment of Medical Officer, Assistant Officer and other jobs. IOCL is going to fill up 156 posts through this job notification.
Director of Elementary Education Assam Recruitment for 128 Sub Inspector 2014
Director of Elementary Education Assam invites applications for recruitment of Sub Inspector. Director of Elementary Education, Assam is going to fill up 128 posts through this job notification.
SSC CGL Examination 2014
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) invites applications for recruitment of Group B and Group C posts.by conducting Combined Graduate Level Examination 2014. SSC is going to fill up vacancies through this job notification.