IHM Lucknow Recruitment for 04 Lower Division Clerk 2013
Institute of Hotel Management (IHM) Lucknow invites applications for recruitment of Lower Division Clerk. IHM, Lucknow is going to fill up 04 posts through this job notification.
TPSC Recruitment for 05 Group D Posts 2013
Tripura Public Service Commission (TPSC) invites applications for recruitment of Group D posts. TPSC is going to fill up 05 posts through this job notification.
Security Paper Mill Hoshangabad (M.P) Recruitment for 01 Pharmacist 2013
Security Paper Mill. Hoshangabad (M.P) under Security Printing and Mining Corporation of India Limited (SPMCILl) invites applications for recruitment of Pharmacist. Security Paper Mill, Hoshangabad is going to fill up 01 post through this job notification.
Punjab Gramin Bank Recruitment for 150 Officer Scale I and Office Assistant 2013
Punjab Gramin Bank invites applications for recruitment of Officer Scale I, Office Assistant and Other Jobs. Punjab Gramin Bank is going to fill up 150 posts through this job notification.
NIT Warangal Recruitment for 01 Computer System Trainees 2013
National Institute of Technology (NIT) Warangal invites applications for recruitment of Computer System Trainees. NIT, Warangal is going to fill up 01 post through this job notification.
OMC Recruitment for 45 Jr.Stenographer and Plumber III 2013
Odisha Mining Corporation Limited (OMC) invites applications for recruitment of Jr. Stenographer, Plumber III and Other Jobs .OMC is going to fill up 45 posts through this job notification.
WBSSC Recruitment for 246 Assistant Sub Inspector of Excise 2013
West Bengal Staff Selection Commission (WBSSC) invites applications from Male candidates for recruitment of Assistant Sub Inspector of Excise. WBSSC is going to fill up 246 posts through this job notification.
UPPSC notification for 936 Combined State Engineering Services Examination 2013
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) invites applications for conducting Combined State Engineering Services Examination 2013 and Combined State Engineering Services Physically Handicapped (Backlog/ Special Recruitment) Examination 2013 for recruitment of Assistant Engineer and Technical Officer in various Departments. UPPSC is going to fill up 936 posts through this job notification.
RPF Recruitment for 659 Constables 2013
Ministry of Railways, Government of India Railway Protection Force invites applications for recruitment of Constables of ancillary staff in different trades.RPF is going to fill up 659 posts through this job notification.
BEL Recruitment for 24 Technical Assistant and Operator 2013
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) invites applications for recruitment of Technical Assistant, Operator and other jobs. BEL is going to fill up 24 posts through this job notification.