MPCDM Recruitment for 01 Assistant Manager (Accounts) 2013
Madhya Pradesh Clean Development Mechanism (MPCDM) invites applications for recruitment of Assistant Manager (Accounts). MPCDM is going to fill up 01 post through this job notification.
SHAR Recruitment for 63 Technician B and Draughtsman 2013
Satish Dhawan Space Research Centre SHAR, Indian Space Research Organization invites applications for recruitment of Technician B and Draughtsman. SHAR is going to fill up 63 posts through this job notification.
MPSC Recruitment for 33 Assistant Professor and Senior Biochemist 2013
Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) invites applications for recruitment of Assistant Professor and Senior Biochemist. MPSC is going to fill up 33 posts through this job notification.
UPPSC Recruitment for 608 Assistant Statistical Officer and Veterinary Medical Officer 2013
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) invites applications for recruitment of Assistant Statistical Officer in Forest Department, Veterinary Medical Officer in Animal Husbandry Department and Other jobs in various Departments. UPPSC is going to fill up 608 posts through this job notification.
UPPSC Recruitment for 31 Assistant Conservator of Forest 2013
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) invites applications for conducting Assistant Conservator of Forests Exam 2013. UPPSC is going to fill up 31 posts through this job notification.
UPSC Notification for 375 NDA & NA Examination (I) 2014
Union Public Service Commission invites applications for conducting National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I) 2014 for admission into Army, Navy and Air Force wings of NDA for the 133rd course and for 95th Indian Naval Academy Course. UPSC is going to fill up 375 posts through this job notification.
NPCC Recruitment for 05 Management Trainee 2013
National Projects Construction Corporation Limited (NPCC) invites applications for recruitment of Management Trainee. NPCC is going to fill up 05 posts through this job notification.
TNPSC Recruitment for 04 Assistant Commissioner 2013
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission invites applications for recruitment of Assistant Commissioner. TNPSC is going to fill up 04 posts through this job notification.
CMRL Recruitment for 02 General Manager 2013
Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) invites applications for recruitment of General Manager (Signal) and General Manager (Finance) . CMRL is going to fill up 02 posts through this job notification.
Pallavan Grama Bank Recruitment for 164 Officer Scale I and Office Assistant 2013
Pallavan Grama Bank invites applications for recruitment of Officer Scale I and Office Assistant. Pallavan Grama Bank is going to fill up 164 posts through this job notification.