Vardhaman Bank Recruitment for Managers and Front Line Executives 2013
Vardhaman Bank invites applications for recruitment of Managers, Front Line Executives and Other Jobs. .Vardhaman Bank is going to fill up vacancies through this job notification.
UKPSC Recruitment for 03 Assistant Registrar 2013
Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) invites applications for recruitment of Assistant Registrar. UKPSC is going to fill up 03 posts through this job notification.
Jammu & Kashmir Grameen Bank Recruitment for 248 Officers in Junior Management (Scale I) and Office Assistant 2013
Jammu and Kashmir Grameen Bank invites applications for recruitment of Officers in Junior Management (Scale I) and Office Assistant (Multipurpose). J & K Bank is going to fill up 248 posts through this job notification.
OSCB Recruitment for 942 Assistant Managers and Junior Managers 2013
Odisha State Cooperative Bank (OSCB) invites applications for recruitment of Assistant Managers and Junior Managers. OSCB is going to fill up 942 posts through this job notification.
Haryana Gramin Bank Recruitment for 161 Officer Scale I and Office Assistant 2013
Haryana Gramin Bank invites applications for recruitment of Officer Scale I and Office Assistant .Haryana Gramin Bank is going to fill up 161 posts through this job notification.
IBPS Recruitment for 01 Hindi Translator 2013
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) invites applications for recruitment of Hindi Translator. IBPS is going to fill up 01 post through this job notification.
BECIL Recruitment for 03 Office Assistant and Data Entry Operator 2013
Broadcast Engineering Consultants Limited (BECIL) invites applications for recruitment of Office Assistant, Data Entry Operator and Other Jobs..BECIL is going to fill up 03 posts through this job notification.
HBCSE Recruitment for 03 Project Fellow and Project Assistant 2013
Homi Bhabhai Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) under Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai invites applications for recruitment of Project Fellow and Project Assistant. HBCSE i is going to fill up 03 posts through this job notification.
EdCIL Recruitment for Account Assistant (Provident Fund) 2013
Educational Consultants India Limited (EdCIL) invites applications for recruitment of Account Assistant (Provident Fund)..EdCIL is going to fill up vacancies through this job notification.
CDSCO Recruitment for 117 Bench Chemist and Lab Assistant 2013
Central Drugs Control Organization (CDSCO), New Delhi invites applications for recruitment of Bench Chemist, Lab Assistant and Other Jobs. CDSCO is going to fill up 117 posts through this job notification.